SeeminglyArbitrary minimal but not meaningless

Create new Jekyll collection

Creating a new Jekyll collection for “multiple-feeds” (not added to RSS feed):

  1. Add a new collection to the _config.yml file:
          output: true  # new pages for each posts
  2. Create a new layout _layouts/collection_name.html
  3. If you have a menu, add this item:
    - {name: 'Collection_Name', path: 'menu', url: 'collection_name.html'}
  4. Create a markdown file with the collection_name layout and loop through the collection and display the posts however you want eg.:
layout: collection_name
title: Collection List
<ul class="posts">
 {% for post in site.collection_name %} 
    <li itemscope>
    <a href="{{site.github.url}}{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a>
 {% endfor %} 
  1. Create a new folder _collection_name and add new posts to it
